School Counselors will be meeting with students for one-on-one meetings during the following dates. Students that are fully virtual must also sign up for an appointment during this time.
11th grade course registration March 3 - March 7
10th grade course registration March 10 - March 13
9th grade course registration March 17 - March 21
Make- Up for absent students March 24 - 28
8th grade course registration April 1,2
8th grade Parent Night: Monday, March 31 at 6pm in the PAC
Students will need to click on one of the links below to sign up with their designated counselor during the grade appropriate week. THIS IS NOT A SMART PASS.
Recommended Tasks for parents and students to complete before the one on one meeting:
1 - Take a look at your student’s Graduation Plan Progress in Power School
2 - Take note of the credits earned in each subject area and the classes taken
3 - Take note of the classes that must still be taken as well as the options for earning credit
4 - Review and take note of preferred elective options. If you and your student feel confident in your course selections, feel free to make and submit the course selections. PLEASE NOTE: All AP / Honors / Advanced classes are FULL YEAR classes. Students MAY NOT DROP at the semester. Click here to view the policy.
Here’s what you may need to help you navigate the recommended tasks.
1 - Instructions to get to and through the Graduation Plan Progress
2 - If you like to cross things off a list then you will definitely want a blank audit form that you can print so you can cross off courses completed & make note of the courses that still need to be taken.
3 - A slideshow of our elective options in the event you want to write them down as part of task two.
4 - Here is a FAQ for students / parents to access during registration.
5 - Steps to create course requests
If you are in need of additional assistance, please watch this video tutorial to help assist you in the registration process.
In order to be admitted into these classes, you must complete the linked application, and then the teacher will determine who is a good fit for the course.
School Counseling Department Mission Statement
Our mission in the Fruitport High School Counseling Department is to work collaboratively with students, parents, and teachers to provide the best educational experience for each individual student.
We offer a safe place, where students have an opportunity to discuss, explore and evaluate their abilities, needs, difficulties and hopes with someone who cares and can help. We offer parents an opportunity to identify and explore their concerns for their children in a professional and confidential setting. We offer FHS staff help in understanding the obstacles some of our students face in being successful.
Equal educational and extracurricular opportunities are available to all students without regard to race, color, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, ancestry, age, religious beliefs, disability, status as homeless, or actual or potential marital or parental status, including pregnancy. No student shall, based on sex or sexual orientation, be denied equal access to programs, activities, services, or benefits or be limited in the exercise of any right, privilege, advantage, or denied equal access to educational and extracurricular programs and activities.
At Fruitport High School we strive to maintain a strong balance of required and elective courses. Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) classes are available in our core courses to challenge any of our students.
Elective courses consist of either career preparation or fine arts. In the category of career preparation, we offer courses in business and industrial technology.
Our fine arts department offers students the opportunities to study choir, dance, music, ceramics, photography, drawing, and painting. The department pages provide descriptions of these classes when they can be taken, and what prerequisites are needed to take the class.
If you would like a print out of all FHS classes click here.
Click on the link below to find course descriptions.
Fruitport High School Graduation Requirements (22 credits)
English Language Arts ( ELA) - 4 credits English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12 Mathematics - 4 credits Algebra Geometry Algebra II Math - all students must take a Senior math Social Studies - 3 credits World History U.S. History Government/ Economics Physical Education & Health - 1 credit Health 0.5 credit Physical Education 0.5 credit *waiver given if completed 2 seasons of Marching Band Science- 3 credits Biology Chemistry A / Physics A Chemistry B / one additional science Visual, Performing and Applied Arts - 1 credit World Language- 2 credits Electives - 4 credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST - OUT POLICY Any high school student who wishes to receive credit in a course which s/he is not enrolled may do so by taking the final examination for the course and receiving a grade determined by the assessment used in lieu of a final examination. Credit for a course earned by a student through this process may be used to fulfill a course or course-sequence requirement but not used to determine the student’s GPA. The student may not receive credit for a course in the same area but lower in the course sequence. Application for this is required by May 1 st in the School Counseling office. High school credit shall be granted in any course to a student enrolled in high school but not enrolled in the course who exhibits a reasonable level of mastery of the course's subject matter as outlined below:
CLICK HERE TO PRINT A FORM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERSONAL CURRICULUM The Personal Curriculum (PC) is a process to modify specific credit requirements and/or content expectations based on the individual learning needs of a student. It is designed to serve students who want to accelerate or go beyond the MMC requirements and students who need to individualize learning requirements to meet the MMC requirements. Please contact your student's guidance counselor for more information. Ms. Finnerty (last names A-K) Mrs. Higgs (last names L-Z) CLICK HERE TO PRINT A FORM - General Education Students CLICK HERE TO PRINT A FORM - Special Education Students |
This is a great place to begin your career awareness. Click the icon above, and begin exploring! Ask your school counselor if you have questions.
"MI Apprenticeship, managed by the Workforce Intelligence Network (WIN) and its partners, aims to make apprenticeship work for companies and job-seekers. Whether you’re an employer seeking to hire apprentices or a job seeker looking for long-term success, we’ll help you navigate the world of registered apprenticeships."
Professional Trade Career information and opportunities
"The need for professional trade talent has never been greater. These highly skilled individuals are in extraordinary demand for careers in healthcare, information technology, advanced manufacturing, construction and automotive.
Professional trades let you leverage your talents, work ethic and know-how to do things that matter. To help design and build our future in jobs that are vital to keeping Michigan healthy, strong and growing. And while these individuals are making a difference in the community, they are also bringing home the kind of paycheck that will make a difference in their lives. Oh yeah, and if you’re still not convinced, these careers often require less schooling and less debt than a traditional four-year degree.
To elevate the perception of professional trades and showcase the opportunities in a variety of rewarding careers, Going PRO in Michigan was created. For generations, these types of careers have been treated as inferior. But now, it is time to level the playing field."
Below are a list of informational resources for students exploring workforce occupations.
"The O*NET Program is the nation's primary source of occupational information. Valid data are essential to understanding the rapidly changing nature of work and how it impacts the workforce and U.S. economy. From this information, applications are developed to facilitate the development and maintenance of a skilled workforce.
The Occupational Information Network (O*NET) is developed under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration(USDOL/ETA) through a grant to the North Carolina Department of Commerce."
"The OOH can help you find career information on duties, education and training, pay, and outlook for hundreds of occupations."
Occupational Employment Statistics
"The Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) program produces employment and wage estimates annually for over 800 occupations. These estimates are available for the nation as a whole, for individual states, and for metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas; national occupational estimates for specific industries are also available."
"A source for career exploration, training, and jobs."
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MILITARY INFORMATION
Early College Information
Interested in attending college early? Check out the information below. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Finnerty.
Dual Enrollment and Early College FAQ
Dual enrollment for FHS is through Muskegon Community College. Click on this link to find the steps and detailed process to become part of the dual enrollment program.
Students attending a college, military, or job shadow need to complete this form completely, and return it to the school counseling office for school related absence approval. A printed copy can be found in student services.
College Athlete Information
Click here to watch a very helpful tutorial address what the NCAA Clearinghouse does, and how to register.
What High School Athletes Need to Know About the NCAA Eligibility Center ( VIDEO)
Click here to watch a very helpful tutorial that gives you some ideas on when to register.
When to register for the NCAA clearinghouse and pay money( VIDEO)
NCAA Clearinghouse (website to register)
Michigan's Public Four-Year Colleges and Universities
Central Michigan University
Eastern Michigan University
Ferris State University
Grand Valley State University
Lake Superior State University
Michigan State University
Michigan Technological University
Northern Michigan University
Oakland University
Saginaw Valley State University
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
University of Michigan - Dearborn
University of Michigan - Flint
Wayne State University
Western Michigan University
Michigan's Private Four-Year Colleges and Universities
Adrian College
Albion College
Alma College
Andrews University
Aquinas College - MI
Baker College
Calvin College
College for Creative Studies - College of Art
Cleary College
Concordia University (Ann Arbor)
Cornerstone College
Davenport University
Finlandia University
Grace Christian University
Great Lakes Christian College
Great Lakes Junior College
Hillsdale College
Hope College
Kalamazoo College
Kendall College of Art and Design
Kettering University
Kuyper College
Lawrence Technological University
Madonna University
Marygrove College
Northwood University
Olivet College
Rochester University
Sacred Heart Major Seminary
Siena Heights University
Spring Arbor University
University of Detroit Mercy
Michigan's Community Colleges
Alpena Community College
Bay College
Bay Mills Community College
Charles Stewart Mott Community College
Delta College
Glen Oaks Community College
Gogebic Community College
Grand Rapids Community College
Great Lakes Maritime Academy
Henry Ford College
Jackson College
Kalamazoo Valley Community College
Kellogg Community College
Kirtland Community College
Lake Michigan College
Lansing Community College
Macomb Community College
Mid Michigan Community College
Monroe County Community College
Montcalm Community College
Muskegon Community College
North Central Michigan College
Northwestern Michigan College
Oakland Community College
St. Clair County Community College
Schoolcraft College
Southwestern Michigan College
Washtenaw Community College
Wayne County Community College
West Shore Community College
Meet the Counselors
Ms. Jennifer Finnerty
Students A- K
I am very excited to work with my new and returning students this year. I am a proud Fruitport alumni, and I take tremendous pride in the emotional, academic, and post-secondary success of each of our students. Please know, we are here to help. I hope each student has their best year yet. Go Blue!
Mrs. Marissa Higgs
Students L-Z
This is such an exciting time in the lives of our students and I am thrilled to help each of them find their passion and pave their path toward their future endeavors. Whether that path leads them to a career, college, or the military after high school, it's an honor to work with them.
Let's make this a great year!
Mrs. Chelsea Vanderstelt
I am so excited to begin my career in the mental health field here at Fruitport! I am passionate about counseling and social work as it allows me to meet with students to identify their needs and barriers to success. I enjoy working together with students on how to break those barriers so they can reach their full potential. My goal is to join with students and staff to create a safe and supportive school environment where all students can thrive
Meet our Hackley Community Care School Based Therapist
Valerie Richman
After Hours Number:
Meet the Career Education Specialist
Stephen Pettifor
MAISD Career Specialist
Assists Countywide 9-12
Phone: 231-767-3627
Cell: 231-767-5624
Lindsay Pulsipher, FAFSA Specialist
Google Voice direct line: 231-769-2727 (Text or call)
Link to make an appointment:
Education Development Plans (EDP) are due December 1! Please help your child to complete their XELLO work today! Here is the video that has been shared with your student each month since the beginning of the year. Please reach out to your child's counselor with questions.