Transportation Responsibilities

Transportation Responsibilities

In order to keep all our students safe, the agreed upon responsibilities for travel using district transportation are outlined below.  If you have any questions or are unable to adhere to these responsibilities, you will not be allowed to use district-provided transportation.

It is the responsibility of Fruitport Community Schools to:

  1. Develop bus routes and schedules.
  2. Determine the mile computation as required by the Board of Education and State requirements.
  3. Provide appropriate student information to bus drivers.
  4. Provide vehicles that meet or exceed the requirements of state law pertaining to vehicles utilized to transport school students.
  5. Provide appropriate insurance coverage.
  6. Hire certified and qualified staff.
  7. Provide ongoing training for the transportation staff.
  8. Recommend to the Superintendent when schools should be closed due to inclement weather.
  9. In conjunction with Building Principals, develop and administer disciplinary procedures for students who exhibit inappropriate bus riding behaviors.

It is the responsibility of each parent to:

  1. Provide for your students’ safety to, from, and while at the bus stop.
  2. Have the student at the bus stop at least five to seven (5-7) minutes ahead of the scheduled stop time.
  3. Always stress SAFETY at stop locations and on the bus. STUDENTS ARE TO STAY OFF THE ROAD AT ALL TIMES WHILE WAITING FOR THE BUS.
  4. Make sure each child has a backpack for lunch, school books, etc.
  5. No pets or large items such as large boxes, sleds, skateboards, bats, etc. are allowed on the bus. Items which are sharp or breakable should be brought to school by parent/guardian. Laser pointers are prohibited and will be confiscated. Loose hanging items attached to the backpacks such as key chains are prohibited due to safety concerns.
  6. Make arrangements to have an appropriate person at home at the designated drop-off time after school.

It is the responsibility of each student to:

  1. Observe classroom conduct while riding the bus. The same rules apply to the bus as in the classroom.
  2. Ride the assigned bus and use a specific bus stop; only assigned students may ride school-bound or homebound buses. In addition, students may ride only their assigned bus, getting on and getting off at their designated stop. The Director of Transportation/Building Principal may grant permission for students to ride a different bus or use a different stop. Such permission may be granted only after receiving appropriate written request form from the parent/guardian for a specified period of time subject to the following conditions and limitations:
    1. The requested change must not result in overcrowding of any bus,
      alteration of any regular bus route, bus stop, or time schedule, or in any
      way interfere with the regular operation of the transportation system.
    2. Emergency and/or unusual reasons may be approved by the Director of
      Transportation/Building Principal.
    3. To assure no overloads, we do not allow students to bring home friends
      (either from another bus run or from a non-busing area) for parties,
      scouts, homework, etc.). It is the parents’ responsibility for this type of
  3. Obey the driver at all times and report promptly to school officials when instructed to do so.
  4. Stay in their seat facing forward while the bus is in motion.
  5. Keep hands and feet to themselves.
  6. Place all carry-on items on ones lap.
  7. State law mandates that no animals or glass containers be allowed on
    buses. No pets or large items such as large boxes, sleds, skateboards,
    bats, etc. are allowed on the bus. Items which are sharp or breakable
    should be brought to school by parent/guardian. Laser pointers are
    prohibited and will be confiscated. Loose hanging items attached to the
    backpacks such as key chains are prohibited due to safety concerns.
  8. Refrain from eating or drinking on the bus.
  9. Leave the bus only with the consent of the driver.
  10. Enter or leave the bus only at the front door after the bus has come to a
    stop, except in case of emergency.
  11. Stay off the roadway while waiting for the bus.
  12. Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop and then board or leave
    the bus promptly.
  13. Talk in a normal tone of voice while on the bus and use appropriate
  14. Do not destroy property and report any damage observed to the driver.
  15. Help keep the bus clean, sanitary, orderly and safe.

To Board the Bus:

  1. Students wait in a group at the designated bus stop at least 10 feet
    away from the edge of the roadway and watch the bus driver for the
    signal to cross.
  2. Bus drivers will display a sign (see below) to indicate when it is safe to
    cross the street.
  3. Students proceed directly across the road always staying well in front of
    the bus and board the bus.
  4. Do not stop in the middle of the street or cross behind the bus.
  5. Bus stops will be placed at legal locations consistent with Board policy
    or if required by law.

When Exiting the Bus:

  1. Students exit the bus and take 10 giant steps in front of the bus staying
    on the side of the street.
  2. Students stand in a group and look to the bus driver for the signal to
  3. Bus drivers will display a sign to indicate when it is safe to cross the
    street: Red sign means "Stop", Yellow Smile face means "Cross Safely".
  4. Students proceed to a point even with the left side of the bus and stop.
  5. Students look left and right for passing cars.
  6. Students look to the driver for instruction to complete the crossing.
  7. Do not cross behind the bus.
  8. If a paper or article goes under the school bus, always ask the bus
    driver for help.
  9. Do not get mail from roadside mailboxes until after the bus leaves the

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