I would like you to consider becoming a team representative or a general volunteer in the Fruitport Athletic Foundation.
The Fruitport Athletic Foundation was established in 1998 for the purpose of encouraging positive support for the 7-12th athletic programs at Fruitport Community Schools. This organization has developed a purpose consistent with the athletic department’s mission and has determined to not be involved with concessions or door- to- door sales in order to raise money. Instead, they are focused on building on two main activities through the year: Blue and White Night, an annual Night Out With The Trojans. In addition to offering financial assistance to our programs, the Foundation’s preamble also refers to “the support of sportsmanship initiatives, anti -drug and alcohol education, and the recognition of outstanding achievements of individuals, coaches, and teams associated with Fruitport Community Schools”.
Since 1998, this organization has disbursed over $70,000 in coaches’ and Athletic Department requests for assistance for equipment, training needs, and other expenses related to program or facility improvement. We are now at a critical juncture in this organization: new blood is needed to invigorate the support of our teams during some of the most economically challenging times for both individuals as well as school sports teams.
Monthly meetings are the second Monday, at the high school library at 6:00 PM. If you have any questions regarding the Foundation or about taking part as a Foundation officer, please contact me at 865-4034, or at jmorehouse@fruitportschools.net .
I hope you seriously consider taking part of this organization. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Jonny Morehouse
Athletic Director