Bond/Millage Information

The Board of Education at Fruitport Community Schools unanimously voted on January 27, 2025 to approve placing a bond proposal on the ballot for the May 6, 2025 election. If approved, the bond proposition would authorize the district to borrow approximately $82,000,000, would result in a zero (0.00) mill net increase over the 2024 debt levy, and would be in alignment with the District’s Master Facilities Plan that has been communicated with the community since the passage of the bond proposal that resulted in the new Fruitport High School being built. The Board is committed to its long term Master Facilities Plan using bond proposals that when issued do not increase the overall debt levy, approved by voters, to construct safe and modern schools that support students and their learning. Click on the expandable content boxes below to learn more about the bond proposition:

Civil Engineering: Traffic, Feasibility, and Drainage - August & September 2024

In 2016, voters approved a bond proposition to increase the millage that would allow for the district to complete significant improvements to Fruitport High School. The vision of the Board would be to continue to address the construction of new school buildings with zero (0) net mill increase bond proposals every ten (10) years or so. At this time, the plan called for Edgewood Elementary School to be replaced next, followed by improvements to the other schools following the schedule in the Master Facilities Plan.

Edgewood Elementary School was constructed in 1950. With the age of this building, there have been significant issues with the upkeep and maintenance of the building, although our team continues to do a remarkable job in maintaining our facilities. In addition, due to its location, there are multiple traffic issues which would need to be addressed with the future replacement of this building. As part of the scope of the bond project, the Board of Education approved for the completion of a traffic study along Pontaluna Rd., with various locations along the road being studied, as outlined below. This study, coupled with the civil engineering feasibility study that was conducted by Spalding DeDecker, has been used to further define the site plan that is shared on this website, while also optimizing traffic flow for the proposed layout.

Traffic Study:

Spalding DeDecker worked directly with traffic data collection vendor, Quality Counts, LLC, to study traffic counts and moving patterns during morning and afternoon weekday peak school hours. Turning movements and counts were collected and studied at the following locations:

  • Pontaluna Road and Walker Road
  • Pontaluna Road and the west Middle School driveway
  • Pontaluna Road and the center Middle School driveway
  • Pontaluna Road and the east Middle School driveway
  • Pontaluna Road and the baseball field driveway
  • Pontaluna Road and the west Elementary School driveway
  • Pontaluna Road and the center Elementary School driveway
  • Pontaluna Road and the east Elementary School driveway
  • Pontaluna Road and 6th Avenue
  • Pontaluna Road and 3rd Avenue
  • 6th Avenue and the Adult Education School driveway
  • 6th Avenue and the north High School driveway
  • 6th Avenue and Oak Street/ school driveway
  • 6th Avenue and Beech Street

Next, due to significant drainage concerns with the soccer field, which have created safety concerns at times throughout the fall and spring soccer seasons for student-athletes, geotechnical investigations and soils information were prepared as a part of the civil engineering study to inform the site plan design process.

Master Facilities Plan and Assessment - September & October 2024

A link to the original FCS Master Facilities Plan webpage that was created several years ago, and that outlines the long term vision of the District and the Board of Education is linked below:

In planning for the development of the long term Master Facilities Plan that has been communicated with the community since at least 2016, the District used this assessment as a starting point to look back on the updates and renovations that have been made over the last several years. The budget report for the original Master Facilities Assessment that was conducted in February 2015 is linked below:

Using this as a starting point, members of the District's bond team from Owen-Ames-Kimball, Co., the District's construction management company, updated the Master Facilities Plan of the District in September and October 2024, by updating the budget report to include project priorities for a possible May 2025 ballot proposition. These findings and updated budget report were presented to the Board of Education on October 8, 2024.

The facility needs outlined in the budget report to the Board of Education on October 8, 2024 were used to guide discussions with the Board around key project priorities of the District.

Community Bond Survey and Key Priorities - November & December 2024

After the Board of Education held a special meeting on October 8, 2024 to discuss and outline priorities from the District's Master Facilities Plan and Needs Assessment, a survey was released to the community during the months of November and December 2024 to collect input from the community. Three hundred and eleven (311) respondents provided their feedback, with two hundred and eleven (211) respondents also providing written feedback for the Board to consider.

A summary of the open ended responses has been linked below. Priorities of the community, as outlined in the community survey, include:

    1. Facilities and Building Maintenance
    2. Expansion of Early Childhood Programs
    3. Accounting for Community and District Growth; Building a new Edgewood Elementary with the capacity to account for increased enrollment.
    4. Athletics and Extracurricular Activities
    5. Transportation and Student Safety

Community members were asked to respond to a number of questions pertaining to a possible bond proposition. This information was used by the Board of Education to identify key priorities that it would focus on as a part of a possible bond proposition.

This feedback was shared with the Board of Education and released to the community at the community forum held on December 9, 2024 in the high school media center. The survey data was also shared with the Board of Education at their meeting on this same date.

Community Presentations - November & December 2024

The Board of Education held two community forums, with one on November 18, 2024, and a second on December 9, 2024. The presentations that were shared with the community on each of these dates, along with the completed feedback forms from those in attendance at the forums are linked below:

November 18, 2024

December 9, 2024

Additional community meetings to collect feedback and to refine the scope of the bond proposition will be communicated with the community, and will take place during the months of February and March 2025.

Bond Project Scope, Renderings and Images, and Timeline

Bond Project Scope:

  • Construction of a new Edgewood Elementary School to provide an updated, modern, and safe learning facility for our youngest learners.
  • Complete interior renovations would be made to a portion of the current Edgewood Elementary School to convert the building into a new Early Childhood Center. This would support classroom expansion across the District by freeing up classroom spaces at Beach, Shettler, and Fruitport Middle School, while improving access to early childhood programs.
  • These projects are expected to help address traffic concerns on Pontaluna Rd. by distributing traffic flow, while also constructing separate bus and parent drop-off loops, and adding additional parking at the facility. The additional parking will support not only Edgewood Elementary, but will distribute available parking across the District during spring events, especially when track and field, soccer, and tennis are all competing on the same day.
  • Updates and renovations to Beach, Shettler, and Fruitport Middle School to complete projects based upon needs and the District’s Master Facilities Assessment.
  • Improvements to barrier free school playgrounds, and construction of a soccer field that may be used for recess and physical education spaces to replace the current soccer field on the playground at Edgewood Elementary, while also using this new space as a new Ken Erny Field for our competitive soccer programs as well.
  • Purchase of new transportation vehicles and school buses to ensure that we continue to update our transportation replacement cycle.
  • Additional projects as they arise based upon needs and the Master Facilities Assessment.

Bond Renderings and Images:

Bond Timeline:

1. Update Master Facilities Assessment: August - September 2024

2. Prioritize and refine needs: October - December 2024

  • Community Input Session 1: November 11, 2024
  • Community Input Session 2: December 9, 2024
  • Staff and Community Survey: Close on December 9, 2024

3. Finalize Schematic Concept and Bond Program Priorities / Board Calls Election: January 27, 2025

4. File Resolution with County Clerk: No later than February 11, 2025

5. Information Campaign: January 2025 – May 2025

  • Updated Website, Videos, and Informational Material
  • Delayed Start Meetings with Staff
  • Additional Community Input Sessions (February 26 and March 12)

6. Absentee Ballots Available: March 27, 2025

7. Election Date: Tuesday, May 6, 2025

8. Staff Input and Stakeholder Group Site Visits: Ongoing to Inform Design Development (If approved by voters)

Upcoming Community Meetings - February & March 2025

The community is cordially invited to community meetings on the following dates and times to learn more about the District's bond proposition. Each meeting will begin with a presentation that outlines the process that has been followed by the District and the Board of Education, and time will be provided for community input and feedback. Each meeting will take place at Edgewood Elementary School, and guests should enter through the main doors of the elementary school. Dates and times of the upcoming meetings to learn more about the bond project are listed below:

  • February 26, 2025 from 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
  • March 12, 2025 from 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

At the conclusion of each meeting, presentation notes and input provided by the community at each meeting with be posted here for review of the community.

Voter and Election Information

The election polls will open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 6, 2025. Absent voter ballots must be available for issuance to voters by Thursday, March 27, 2025.

Voter Registration Information:

To learn more about voter registration, such as eligibility requirements, how to register to vote in Michigan, and updating or canceling your voter registration, please click on the link below:

Methods and requirements for voter registration depend on the following deadlines:

  • If there are 15 days or more before the election, voters can register online, by mail, or in person.
  • Voters may register in person through Tuesday, May 6, 2025 (Election Day) by visiting their local clerk’s office to register in person with proof of residency documentation.

Absentee Voting:

All registered voters in Michigan have the right to vote by mail using an absentee ballot delivered to their home. Voters can also request an absentee ballot directly from their local clerk’s office. Absentee ballots are available beginning 40 days prior to every election.

Michigan voters can decide to be placed on a permanent absentee ballot list. The local clerk will then mail them an absentee ballot for all local, state, and federal elections. For more information about absentee voting, visit the website below:

Paid for by Fruitport Community Schools, 3255 E. Pontaluna Rd., Fruitport, MI 49415